
  • MCCOGS maintains a research center on the second floor of the John McIntire Library, 220 North Fifth Street, Zanesville, Ohio. Genealogical information focusing on Muskingum County with some state and national data is available in book form, microfilm and/or microfiche (viewers are available). Our collections also include year books of local schools, photographs and city directories.

  • MCCOGS maintains a Surname File our patrons and members are researching. Also maintained is an Obituary File starting with the late 1960s for Muskingum County only. Over 2500 obits have been added to our files in the last year alone. Other obituaries are added as found and our scrapbook collection (currently being indexed) has many early obituaries. Copies of obituaries found in our publication MCCOGS Obituary File Index may be obtained by sending a SASE to the Society and enclosing $1.00 for each obituary requested.

  • Genealogy Room Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday 10 am - 1 pm. The library is closed on Sundays. Special appointments for out of town visitors can be arranged in advance. Call us at (740) 453-0391 ext. 139.

Membership/Chapter Information

  • Memberships (available by the calendar year only) are open to all those interested in the pursuit of genealogical research. Single, Joint and Family memberships are $15.00. See the Membership Form. You can also now pay for a membership online by visiting our new MCCOGS' Market Place.

  • Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:30 P.M. in the genealogy library located on the second floor of the John McIntire Library, 220 North Fifth Street, Zanesville, Ohio. There is no meeting in December.

  • The Constitution and By-Laws of the Muskingum County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society can be found HERE.

The Muskingum Quarterly

  • Starting in May, 2010, the newsletter The Muskingum, will become a quarterly publication. Members receive The Muskingum Quarterly in February, May, August and November. The publication features articles about Muskingum County families and history, transcriptions, photographs, research articles, book and website reviews and recommendations, and announcements of new chapter publications and projects.
  • All material submitted for publication will be printed on a first-come, first-served and space-available basis. Some issues will be themed, in which case articles relating to the theme will take precedence over others in order of publication. Articles taken from other print sources must include original publication information (full title, author, place and date of publication). Information submitted from an internet source must include the site's title and URL. The editor reserves the right to make corrections or to alter text as needed.
  • Each issue of the quarterly includes a Queries and Research Questions section which is free to members. Non-members may submit queries to the editor for $1.00 per query.
  • Members have access to The Muskingum Quarterly online in our archives, MCCOGS Public and Private Genealogy Files. The Society has maintained a publication called "The Muskingum" since 1976, and back issues from the collection will be posted in the archives as they become available.

Special Projects

  • Special Projects are promoted by MCCOGS and its members - All members are invited and urged to help.

  • MCCOGS is collecting, copying, preserving and making available to all the many Church, Bible and other records of Muskingum County. Donations of genealogical interest pertaining to the Muskingum County are accepted. We have been adding many Church, School, Subject and Family Files within the last several years.

  • We have a large collection of Family Histories and donations to the collection are gratefully accepted.

First Families of Muskingum County

First Families of Muskingum County Memberships are available to any member proving an ancestor lived in Muskingum County before 1830. Both full and associate memberships are available. Fee is $15.00.

See "Rules of Evidence" for applying.

Download the Application (PDF Format).

Pioneer Families of Muskingum County

Pioneer Families of Muskingum County Memberships are available to any member proving an ancestor lived in Muskingum County before 1850. Fee is $15.00 unless applicant has already been approved as a member of First Families of Muskingum County.

See "Rules of Evidence" for applying.

Download the Application (PDF Format).

Civil War Families of Muskingum County

Civil War Families of Muskingum County membership is available to any MCCOGS member proving a Muskingum County, Ohio ancestor served in the Civil War. Fee is $10.00.

See "Rules of Evidence" for applying.

Download the Application (PDF Format).

First Families of Ohio

Membership in First Families of Ohio are available to those OGS members proving an ancestor living in Ohio before 1820. The application for First Families of Ohio can be downloaded from ogs.org